I started to get serious about photography in the early 1970s. I remember that one of my first SLRs from that era was an old Topcon camera. As was common at the time, I did most of my work in black and white. In those years, I also helped teach photography as part of a journalism program at Dawson College in Montréal. My most prolific period as a photographer followed a few years later when I had more money and was able to afford more film and equipment ( which included a Canon AE-1 and A-1, and a nice collection of lenses). This is when I shot countless rolls of Kodachrome 64 slide film, the results of which still sit in boxes somewhere in my home. I had been planning to scan many of theses slides into a more useable digital format, but have since discovered this would be a very laborious and time consuming undertaking. While I was shooting all those rolls of Kodachrome, I continued working with black and white photography (I had a b&w darkroom for a while). At the time, I used 2¼ twin-lens reflex cameras almost exclusively for my black and white work. My medium format equipment included a Rolleicord, a Mamiya C330 (with interchangeable lenses), and a Yashica Mat. I did less and less photography in later years as I raised a family and pursued my other passion, sailing. However, the advent of the digital camera has revived my interest in photogragpy. Over the years, my photos have appeared in a number of magazines and publications, including the odd daily newspaper here and there. However, as I had been a regular writer for several sailing magazines, the bulk of my published photos appeared in these publications (including one magazine cover). My work for sailing publications also includes two "how to" articles on marine photography. I can be reached at the following e-mail address: photos@mcgoldrick.ca. My web sites about sailing can be found at sailquest.com, my web site about cross-country skiing at XCskiing.ca, and my web site about cycling can be found at GoBiking.ca Thank you for visiting my photo web site. Michael McGoldrick, Ottawa, Canada. |